Семинар "Нехватка продовольствия - большая угроза безопасности человечества" 29 января - 1 февраля 2007 г. в Ченнаи (Индия) состоится семинар "Нехватка продовольствия - большая угроза безопасности человечества". Мероприятие проводится Международным студенческим / молодежным Пагуошским движением и Исследовательским фондом М.С. Сваминатана.
Информационное письмо о семинаре от ученого секретаря Оргкомитета Н. Парасурамана, члена Совета Молодежного Пагуошского движения от Азии:
International Student/Young Pugwash (ISYP) and the M S Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF) are organizing a workshop on “Food Insecurity: A great threat to Human Security” from 29 January – 1 February 2007 at MSSRF, Chennai. The theme of this Workshop represents the UN Millennium Development Goal No.1 and World Food Summit Declaration for reduction in the level of poverty and malnutrition. Where hunger rules, peace cannot prevail. The Workshop will hence be a timely intervention and will provide a platform to discuss issues related to poverty, hunger and macro- and micro-nutrient deficiencies among young children, women and men in developing countries. It is expected that about 150 participants representing different countries in the South Asian Region as well as from other countries will take part in developing an action plan to overcome the ecological, economic and equity challenges facing farmers and farming in the world. I enclose a tentative programme for this conference.
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I have great pleasure in inviting you to kindly consider yo participate in this important programme. Your participation will be of crucial importance in developing a workable strategy for ensuring adequate food for all at national, regional and global level.
I look forward to the confirmation from your side at the earliest so that necessary coordination can be established with our external affairs ministry for ensuring your obtaining the visa in time.
The organizers will be happy to provide you the local hospitality. However, due to paucity of funds we request you to arrange for your own travel expenses.
I look forward to hear from you at your earliest convenience.
With kind regards,
Yours sincerely,
N. Parasuraman, Organising Secretary Asian Board Member-International Students Young Pugwash |